Webinar with Swiss Tourism Experts

Date Times Event Venue Address
2021-11-23Start: 12:00
End: 13:00
Webinar with Swiss Tourism ExpertsZoom

In the webinar, speakers Bettina Bülte and Barbara Urfer talked about best practices for tourist destination development in Switzerland and abroad. They discussed some of the tactics and building blocks which can be used by any industry and showed examples how companies are borrowing from the hospitality industry to exceed customer expectations. The webinar was moderated by the Chamber's president and EHL graduate Alexandra Soriano.


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  • Rolex Canada Ltd.
  • Zurich Canada
  • Habib Canadian Bank  (Subsidiary of Habib Bank AG Zurich)
  • Custom Spring Corporate
  • Lette LLP
  • Swiss Business Hub
  • Roche Canada
  • Swissmar Ltd.
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  • Endress + Hauser Canada Ltd
  • Switzerland Tourism
  • Adecco Employment Services Limited
  • Glencore
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