Everybody knows about the contribution Switzerland has made to the world of watches, banking and chocolate. However, Swiss innovation has given us so much more. Here are some surprising facts about what Switzerland has given the world. For such a small country, it is quite an impressive list!
Are the following statements true or false?
The typeface Helvetica was created in Switzerland.
Spaghetti was first eaten in Switzerland.
Swiss inventors gave the world smell‐enhanced movies.
All garments and fabrics on Air Force One are exclusively supplied by a Swiss company. Most incoming presidents like to change the interior design, however.
Switzerland has the highest number of Nobel Prizes per capita in theworld. More than 100 Nobel Prizes have been awarded to persons or organizations withconnections to Switzerland. The Swiss are clearly doing something right…
Switzerland is launching a satellite to clean up space junk. They do take recycling very seriously here.
A Swiss company is the main supplier of the color shifting ink used in US dollar bills. To prevent counterfeiting, this optically variable ink displays differing colors at differentangles ‐ how clever!
The best quality Swiss cheese is labelled for export. Nonetheless, the remaining cheese is also delicious!
The world’s first C‐section was reportedly performed in Switzerland around 1500. Jacob Nufer’s wife was about to die giving birth, so he cut open her belly to release thechild. The C‐section was born – no pun intended.
Seventy five percent of global coffee trade happens in Switzerland. Were you aware of the link between your daily Starbucks and Switzerland? Althoughtraded here, the coffee never physically passes through the country.
Hundreds of Bollywood films have been shot in Switzerland. Thus, Switzerland is a top destination for Indians visiting Europe.
Switzerland gave the world the first instant cup‐a‐soup in 1886. The soup, made from stock cubes, was the creation of Julius Maggi and Carl Knorr.
The original Bond Girl was Swiss. Ursula Andress was born on March 19, 1936, in Ostermundigen near Bern.
True. Confoederatio Helvetica is the original Latin name for Switzerland.
False. But on April Fool’s Day in 1957, the world was fooled by a broadcast showingspaghetti being harvested from trees in Switzerland.
True. Smell‐O‐Vision was developed by Swiss inventor, Dr. Hans Laube.